The rating agency Moody's has evaluated and assigned ratings to Bank Vontobel AG and Vontobel Holding AG. These ratings confirm the recognized financial strength and solidity of Vontobel.

Disclosures made available on this webpage are required by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA Circular 2016/01. Instruments are listed by date of issuance within each category.

Additional Tier 1 Capital Instruments


IssuerISINIssue dateCurrencyNominalMaturityFirst call dateTerms & Conditions
Vontobel Holding AGCH122463009029.09.2023USD200 MPerpetual29.09.2031T&C
Vontobel Holding AGCH122463010829.09.2023USD200 MPerpetual29.09.2033T&C

