Communiqués de presse

Vontobel wants to achieve further growth in Germany

Publié le 10.09.2019 HAEC

  • Vontobel has been serving clients in Germany for 20 years through its local market presence; Bank Vontobel Europe AG has provided a gateway to the European market for 10 years.
  • Business in Germany is achieving sustained profitability.

Vontobel is well positioned in Germany with its Wealth and Asset Management and Investment Banking businesses and it wants to continue achieving growth with its clients in this key focus market in the future. At the same time, it aims to expand its presence in Germany, which serves as a gateway to the entire European market. These objectives were underscored by Dr. Martin Sieg Castagnola, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Bank Vontobel Europe AG, Munich, and CFO of Vontobel Holding AG, Zurich, as Vontobel celebrated the 20th anniversary of the launch of its operations in Germany and the 10th anniversary of the founding of Bank Vontobel Europe AG, which is headquartered in Munich.

Vontobel has been offering its product expertise and services to German clients from its headquarters in Zurich since the start of the 1950s. Today, clients can choose between Vontobel’s advisory and booking centers in Germany and Switzerland.

At the same time, Bank Vontobel Europe AG, which was founded in 2009 and has around 90 employees, serves as a platform for business in the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA). The bank is represented in five EU locations: The head office and Wealth as well as Asset Management hub in Munich and the branches in Hamburg (Wealth Management), Cologne (Investment Banking / Brokerage), Frankfurt am Main (Investment Banking / Financial Products, Asset Management) and London (Investment Banking / Brokerage).

In the financial year 2018, Bank Vontobel Europe AG continued to follow its current path and further strengthened and expanded its position as a hub for the EU and EEA. At end-2018, the bank reported a profit of more than EUR 3.3 million, corresponding to an increase of more than 60% year on year.

The Wealth Management business was once again one of the drivers of this growth, generating renewed increases in income and in inflows of client assets in the financial year 2018. To support future growth, Vontobel has further strengthened its advisory teams in Munich and Hamburg. Today, around 20 wealth management experts in Munich and Hamburg – together with the team in Zurich – serve clients domiciled in Germany.

Asset Management increased its income by around 48% in 2018 compared to the previous year. As a result of Vontobel’s active multi-boutique approach, this unit can offer German clients a broad range of products and services – from actively managed mandates to quantitative expertise.

With a market share of 9.3% (as at end-2018) measured in terms of exchange-traded volumes, Vontobel ranks as one of the six largest providers of listed structured products in Germany. In addition to its longstanding offering in Germany, Austria and Luxembourg, the Frankfurt-based Financial Products team of Bank Vontobel Europe AG has succeeded in gradually expanding its sales activities since 2015 – first in Sweden and Finland, followed by Italy, France and the Netherlands. It also made its successful market debut in Denmark in 2019.

The Brokerage business – which was established in Germany in 1999 and has been successful from the start, and which now has teams in Cologne and London – has maintained a stable market share. Its clients include the largest institutional investors in Germany, Austria, the UK and the Nordic markets. Vontobel was named the leading broker for Swiss Equities by Extel for the ninth year in succession and in 2018 – the first year under the new MiFID 2 regulation – it succeeded in further growing its market share.

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At Vontobel, we actively shape the future. We create and pursue opportunities with determination. We master what we do – and we only do what we master. This is how we get our clients ahead. As a globally operating financial expert with Swiss roots, we specialize in wealth management, active asset management and investment solutions. We empower our employees to take ownership of their work and bring opportunities to life. Because we are convinced that successful investing starts with assuming personal responsibility. We relentlessly question the achieved, striving to exceed the goals and expectations of our clients. The registered shares of the Vontobel Holding AG are listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange. The Vontobel families' close ties to the company guarantee our entrepreneurial independence. We consider the resulting freedom an obligation to assume social responsibility as well. As of June 30, 2019, Vontobel held CHF 272.2 billion of total client assets. Around the world and in our home market, we serve our clients from 26 locations.

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Publié le 10.09.2019 HAEC

