
Quantum computing is changing our world

AI & automated services
Digitalized society

Published on 09.03.2020 CET

Wired explains the technology of quantum mechanics


The new supercomputers could revolutionize medical technology, crack any encryption and take communication and artificial intelligence to a new level

Quantum computers only function in an environment that has cooled down to almost absolute zero (-273 degrees Celsius) © Wired

Companies such as IBM, Microsoft and Google are currently working to develop reliable quantum computers. China is investing billions in this field. Recently, Google claimed that they have succeeded for the first time in making a quantum computer outperform a conventional computer. But what is a quantum computer? And how does it work?

About Amit Katwala

Amit Katwala is editor of Wired UK


A period of rapid change lies ahead – driven by innovations in the field of Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence (AI). We at Vontobel are following this with curiosity and attention. This enables us to identify new investment opportunities at an early stage in order to benefit from in the potential of AI based investments.

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Who are we? How do we live today? And how will the digitization change our lives? How the future will unfold is preoccupying society more than ever, with engineers, doctors, politicians – each one of us, in fact – seeking answers. This video on quantum computing is one of many contributions that shed light on the theme “science” from a new, inspiring perspective. We are publishing them here as part of our series “Impact”.



