A dark-haired businesswoman stands in front of a wooden wall and smiles at the camera.

Your wealth has a story to tell

Plan your wealth

We work with you to develop a comprehensive strategy based on your individual financial and family situation as well as your personal wishes and goals.

We provide you with holistic advice to reach your goals

Planning your financial future is at the heart of wealth planning. Our specialists advise you on all financial matters and always keep an eye on the big picture. While considering your overall situation, we guide you with recommendations on all topics that your current or future situation entails—from finding your optimized asset allocation to taxes, inheritance law, pension solutions, or your preparation for your retirement.

For business owners

Custom-made solutions for entrepreneurial families in the areas of business succession, corporate pension solutions, or for any other specific needs.

Free analysis of your pension situation

Bring your pension situation and overall asset structure up to date, take ownership of your future, start planning your estate, and benefit from the knowledge of our experts. Arrange a free initial consultation* now, or give us a call.

*The initial consultation is suitable for people who have multiple sources of assets, property, and/or pension plans, who wish to assess their overall situation and identify potential optimizations as well as get investment ideas. The duration of the free initial consultation is 60 minutes. 

  • What are your tax-relevant circumstances?
  • What tax-relevant plans do you have and what tax consequences are associated with them?
  • Where can these circumstances or plans be optimized and taxes saved?
  • What tax risks do you face and how can these be avoided or reduced?
  • Have you considered all tax types and all deductions?
Do you have any questions?

Yes, I am interested in wealth planning

Have you discovered a topic you would like to discuss? Would you like to review your existing financial planning and are looking for recommendations on how to optimize it? Would you like to discuss your wealth planning with our experts?

  • What precautions can you take now to prepare for your possible future incapacity?
  • How can you best assure that your loved ones are properly taken care of?
  • What options do you have for structuring your estate according to your wishes?
  • How can you pass on your assets in a way that is as tax-optimized as possible?
  • What do you have to take into consideration in the case of gifting or arranging an inheritance advance?

Contact form

We are committed to providing you with personal service. We will be pleased to respond to your questions or concerns in person. Please simply use the form below to contact us.


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